Shaima Tohami
A passionate coach who enjoys interacting with people. I love to provoke clients to reach their goals. I am banker that practices coaching with everyone around me making them dig inside to find what they have chosen to forget or close.
Contact: 39657471
Ghusoon Sayed Hamza Khalaf
معلمة تقنية معلومات واتصال متقاعدة، مدربة في الأمن السبراني، مدربة في الوعي والذكاء العاطفي، ممارس متقدم في البرمجة اللغوية العصبية، كوتش وعي ومهارات حياتية. لدي مساهمات في نشر ثقافة الكوتشينج في مملكة البحرين، ولدي مساهمات في خدمة المجتمع والعمل التطوعي.
Contact: 33111470
Noora Isa Hassani
I am a coactive coach who will be enthusiastic to accompany my clients to achieve their desired way of living and fulfilled life.
Contact: +97339666456
Mohammed Almosalim
Mohammed Almosalim is a bilingual global citizen, a growth seeker, leader and coach. He has a broad range and diverse professional experience that includes; C-suite role as Vice-President of a technology company, Private Banking, Founder of a Social Enterprise, and Language Specialist & Cultural Advisor/Liaison for a diplomatic mission for over ten years.
Contact: 0097336200704
Frederic GICQUEL
Contact: +97332185254
Dina Abdulla Hashim
دينا الهاشم كوتش ACC معتمد من الاتحاد الدولي للكوتشنغ . وتم اجراء اكثر من ١٠٠ ساعة كوتشنغ ناجحة . ويتم التعاون مع برنامج اوبشنز حاليا في حضور الدورات المقامة لتدريب الكوتشز . * مشرفة تربوية سابقة *معالجة بطاقة الثيتا هيلنغ . *ميسرة لطاقة مسارات الوعي . هاوية للفن والرسم واتوق لحضور تعلم دورات الرسم باحتراف . *قارئة في علوم الوعي والطاقة . *وماستر ريكي عام ٢٠١٠ . قريبا سيتم حضور كورس معتمد لكوتشنغ المجموعات عن طريق الاونلاين في معهد ليجاسي .
Contact: 00966505824636
Eman Sahwan
A certified coach with ACC - ICF credential, and Choice Theory / Reality Therapy. Founder of "Manarti for Education, Training, and Development", where we believe that we all have a light within us that guides us towards our desires and goals, but because of our responsibilities and busy lives, the fog begins to appear, as a coach, my job is to help the clients to redeem their fog and find the light within themselves.
Contact: 36817987
Laylaa Mohamed AlAradi
An ambitious Counselor seeking the welfare of mankind through my work in the field of social counseling with a degree in psychological counseling, a lover for growth through participating in many distinguished activities and a member of international organizations such as Toastmasters and ICF, my passion for Coaching reflected through being a board member in ICF-Bahrain chapter.
Contact: +97339800710
Neva Muzammil
We all have the potential to be better at what we do, but sometimes we need a little help understanding who we are so that we can discover who we can become. I believe that all clients deserve a judgement-free space to hear themselves think. By providing such a space, I mirror their thoughts, energy and emotions to create a clearer understanding of themselves in the moment. A session starts and ends with the client's thoughts and ideas as the client is the expert in what they need from themselves in any situation.
Contact: +97336068003
Latifa Alshamlan
Professional certified coach with a passion for systems and relationship coaching. Provide tools, strategy and support to help systems, teams and relationships thrive.
Contact: 36111161
Riyaz Jivanjee
Mr. Jivanjee is an award-winning Leadership Development Program Director-Advisor and Coach. His focus is design and delivery of ‘Individual, Team & Organizational Peak Performance Programs’ to achieve measurable business results’ for senior leadership teams, key executives and future leaders - programs that work, and leave a legacy of positive change in the participant’s organizations, life and society. • 24 years combined experience investment/ change management and leadership development: – International JVs with Fortune 500 companies
Contact: 39336950
Hello, I’m A. Hadi. I’m a 24 years of experience in Retail Operations and HR. I'm Bahraini and I am Optionz Coach, I like the martial arts, running, and movies. I’m also interested in an entrepreneurship and believeing in standard and high ethics. as a coach, I'm the thinking partner to enhance the quality of the excellence journey.
Contact: 39658200
Ashu Karol Chaudhary
PCC Coach & Mentor
Started coaching journey in 2011.Clients from Ireland,South Africa,Kenya,UK,Middle East,Far East.Focus is to look at solution based coaching to bring a change in the future.Over 500 hours of coaching Managers globally especially women leaders to lead confidently and to overcome emotional barriers to achieve their visions.Experienced in coaching through virtual world Associate Certified Coach (ACC) - ICF,ICF Mentor Coach,Trained by Ericson International,Life and Work Place Coaching Skills-Empower World,Training in Coaching & Mentoring Essentials Program-Results Coaching Systems,
Contact: 36050511
Mohamed Najem Al Yaqoob
Successfully completed 125 hours of coaching training program, introduction to coaching, basic coaching skills, advanced coaching skills, coaching strategies and coaching ethics. ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). I am a Supervisor Fire Services in the Bahrain International Airport. ( Bahrain Airport Company ) Business Continuity Management Awareness Training - Airport Academy Occupational Safety & Health Advanced Diploma. Bachelors in business Administration from Arab Open University, Bahrain Heart Saver First Aid Instructor- American Heart Association-College of Science
Contact: 0097339696321
Nusaiba AlMadani
PCC Coach & Mentor
I’m passionate about bringing the right change experience to people and organisations to grow and glow. During the last 20 years, I have been part of the executive management for both private and public sector organizations, which has equipped me with an extensive practical HR experience, where change management and organisational design & development has recently been in the core of my job. Combining my expertise with professional coaching competencies, has helped me to support people and organization to better communicate, perform and develop on both professional and personal prospective.
Contact: 39999771
Haleema Mawali
كوتش ومدربة واستشارية شخصية محفزة وملهمة تتمتع بمهنية عالية في العمل ضمن الفرق المختلفة ولديها القدرة على القيادة والتواصل وإدارة الوقت، إستشارية في مجالي الإدارة والتربية وحاصلة على ماجستير قيادة وإدارة تربوية. حاصلة علىPCC-ICF في AGU 2021 وقد انهت أكثر من 500 ساعة كوتشينج وهي أول خريجة من برنامج OPTIONZ COACHING في مايو 2018 وتعمل كمدربة في OPTIONZ في نفس البرنامج منذ ديسمبر 2019. وهي عضوة في NSSET – BSTD - ومجلس إدارة الاتحاد الدولي للكوتشينج (ICF) فرع البحرين ورئيسة لجنة التطوير الاحترافي. شعار حليمة في الحياة هو(عطاؤك امتداد لحياتك) فتعمل على مساعدة الاخرين للإستفادة الكاملة من إمكاناتهم وقدراتهم، والعثور على وجهتهم الصحيحة، وتحقيق أهدافهم، وإيجاد معنى لحياتهم. في أوقات فراغها تكون متطوعة في المجتمع بتقديم المحاضرات والورش التدريبية وتحب القراءة والكتابة. وقد نشرت كتابها الأول باللغة العربية في مطلع 2021 وهي عبارة عن رحلة في الذات بعنوان (75 يومًا في الشرنقة) بأسلوب الكوتشينج.
Linkedin - Instagram
Contact: 38822441
Priya Lakshmi
"Leadership & Life Transformational CoachISenior Retail Liability Operations | 20+ years Banking experience| I am a passionate Coach and a loving mother – Hailing from India and a resident in Bahrain for the last three years, I have been blessed to touch many lives, interact with a lot of beautiful souls, and be part of their lives and growth. 20+ years’ experience with the Standard Chartered Banking Group spanning across with Operations, Automation & Project Implementation, Relationship Management and Customer Service.
Contact: 33299032
Martin Gdovin
Martin Gdovin is a chartered electrical engineer, coach/mentor and consultant in energy sector with 19 years of experience. Currently working as a Project Manager in the role of Owner’s Engineer for EWA, Bahrain.
Contact: 36050027
Khlood Al Khlaifat
Bahraini National, bilingual (Arabic and English) professional coach, accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as well as being a Certified Professional Co-Active Executive coach from The Coaches Training Institute (CTI). She coaches, facilitates and mentors leaders within the Middle East. Her main aim is to inspire peak performance, talents and aid high performance • Master of Business Administration (MBA) – University of Glamorgan - Wales, United Kingdom
Contact: +97338333229
Fuad J. Abdulla
A Management Consultant specialized in Leadership Development and Organizational Improvement. I use a number of supporting tools for organizations such as Strengths Based Coaching, Cultural Orientation and Psychometrics Assessments. I have a diversified experience between the Public and Private sectors, with a focus on the Telecommunications, ICT and Education & Learning professions. I was a Key Project Manager for the government of Bahrain Telecoms. & ICT Transformation, and also Managed a number of projects across the Middle East & Africa.
A certified ICF PCC Coach & Mentor, with a prime track record as a Leadership Coach on a Cultural Change project with Mckinsey & Co. in Saudi Arabia.
Contact: 0097339336950
Michael Jackson
Business and Team Coach - Here to help individuals and teams to engage in conversations that will enable them to achieve their true potential!
Contact: 36784782
Zakaria Embrahim Isa Ali
PCC Coach & Mentor
المدرب البحريني زكريا إبراهيم عيسى علي.
وهو قائد تربوي، تقاعد عن وظيفة مدير مدرسة
قاد خمس مدارس حكومية طوال تسع سنوات
قدّم خلال عمله في وزارة التربية والتعليم العشرات من الورش التدريبية
يقدّر العدد التقريبي للمتدربين في قاعته أكثر من (2000) شخص.
حاليًّا هو يدير مؤسسة أوبشنز للاستشارات.
المؤهلات الأكاديمية والاحترافية للمدرّب:
1. بكالوريوس لغة عربية – جامعة البحرين
2. كوتش مهني من الاتحاد الدولي للكوتشنج – (PCC) Professional Certified Coach
3. كوتش محترف – Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
4. كوتش (العلاقات في المنظمات) –
5. مدرب محترف معتمد -
6. مشارك بعروض في عدّة مؤتمرات محليًّا وإقليميًّا في مجال التعليم، والتدريب والكوتشنج.
7. مستشار تعليمي في مؤسسة (ستيفن كوفي)
مؤلف كتاب:
أوبشنز كوتشنج – صدر منه طبعتان
التدريب بنموذج التأثير
استراتيجيات تعليمية
Intagram: @trainer_zakariya - @optionz_bh
Contact: +97339722210
Maha K. Abdulrahman
A marketing and operations professional with 19 years’ experience in managerial and executive roles. As a certified coach and a working mother, I understand the pressures on leaders and I am passionate about supporting them through their transitional journey towards achieving their personal best.
Contact: 39620228
Dr. Salman Ebrahim Alfardan
ACC Coach & Mentor
Salman first coach training with CTI Dubai to gain CPCC. He is also an ACC and a Coach for more than 10 Years. He has been a Life Coach all through. Associate Coach with CCL coaching senior managers from different organisations and countries as part of their Leadership Program. Co-Trainer with OptionZ ICF accredited ACTP Training Coaching.Trainer and Facilitator over 15 Years. MBA Tutor for over 5 Years. Founder & 1st President ICF Chapter Bahrain. Through career and social voluntary years he has been part of teams, boards and managerial positions.
Contact: 0097339603723
Dr. Lulwa Mutlaq Rashid Mutlaq
BusinesscoachMemberof consultativeCouncilofArabicCoachingUnion&MasterCoachFoundingPresidentof GoldenTrustTraining&Consultancy
Contact: 39657666
Rula Husseini
I work with the latest Coaching Models including neuro linguistic programming hypnosis & Theta Healing techniques, to help others reach their life and career goals. During my Coaching Journey I have helped many people unleash their hidden potential, get comfortable with accepting life changing circumstances, understand their strengths and empower them.
Contact: 39713979
Dr. Yousif Abdulateef Al-Nas
A motivated and driven University Lecturer (PhD). Excellent interpersonal & communication Skills. Certified coach (ACC), CIPD diploma, Certified Family Counselor, Certified Trainer.
Contact: 00966555900998
Dr. Batool K Asiri
Dr Batool (PhD in Finance, MBA) boasts over 30 years of academic experience at the University of Bahrain in the fields of finance, accounting, & statistics. She has conducted more than 60 different workshops for a variety of local and regional institutions and published more than 30 research papers to journals and conferences around the globe. Outside of academics, she is certified as integrative nutrition & health coach, holistic coaching, mentor in building resilience, and has an array of certifications in the fields of alternative healing & development from different organizations internationally. She ended up with being certified as Cancer Journey Coach to hold the hands of those who need uplifting and moving them from Panic to Power. She enjoys kick boxing and cycling and exploring the universe.
Contact: +97336008080
Dr. Khaled Albaker
Dr. Khaled Albaker, is an experienced educational and management coach and consultant, working in complex contexts and start-up institutions. Specialized in leadership, communication and teamwork coaching. Member of several international and regional professional networks. Consultant for several regional educational projects. An established researcher and published researcher. Keynote speaker in several international and regional conferences.
Contact: 35997799
Eman Saeed
Experienced Business Coach with a demonstrated history of working in the Learning & Development management industry. Skilled in Business Development, Planning, Team Building, Management & Leadership. Strong in coaching skills, PCC Accredited coach from International Coach Federation - ICF with a master degree in business administration.
Contact: 39113535
Sameera Baba
MCC Coach & Mentor
Sameera is an ambitious entrepreneur who has developed her career in training, especially in projects aiming towards empowering the professional development, she has managed major projects on national and regional level in the last 14 years with targeted number of beneficiaries exceeding 9000 trainees and 1000 training days in total. Sameera has accumulated over 22 years of experience in Management, Training and Development, Marketing, Sales, Business Development & Customer Service Field, today she is the owner and the “Chief Initiatives Officer” in her own company (Mubadara for Business Consultancy). She is recognized locally as one of the aspiring thinkers in the field of training and development, coaching, and sales. She has been featured regionally in multiple programs to empower leaders, entrepreneurs, young professionals and other fields executives & professionals. Sameera holds a BSc in Marketing & Management from University of Bahrain and she is also a Professional Certified Coach by International Coach Federation- PCC-ICF (USA), a professional scrum master, she facilitates over 180 workshops targeting over 1500 participants every year. She is Board Member in Bahrain Society for training and Development, her role is Director of Professional Development Youth Leadership Programmes and served as President of International Coach Federation (ICF-Bahrain Chapter – May 2018-May 2020 term). Sameera was named one of the top 100 women influencers in Bahrain in years 2017-2018-2019 by Business in Gulf and The Start Up magazines for her contribution in training field.
Contact: 36684748
Batool Ahmed Abdulla
Contact: 37737076
Linda Mattar
Linda Mattar is a life coach who specializes in Executive and Life Transition coaching. She has a versatile career, from architectural engineering to estate development and investments management, with over 20 years of experience in private and public sector. She is a true believer in the innate human ability to transcend current conditions and believes that life coaching is a great tool to help people navigate their journey of change.
Basma AlBalushi
A Trainer and Educational consultant of 20 years of experience, as an ICT Teacher, a School Principal, International Accreditation officer and a Quality Review Specialist in BQA. Currently, the partner and CEO of Quality Excellence for Educational Consultancy, est.2019, working with consultants in evaluation & training of educational institutes.
Contact: 39211142
Dr. Awatef Sharaf
A retired consultant family doctor who worked with Ministry of Health for 34 years, in 2002 she was Chief of Medical Services, in addition to her medical role, then worked as Primary Care Development consultant. She has been practicing meditation since 2004, which helped her to deepen her realization of the dynamics within, resulting in a profound impact on her personal life, and deepened her understanding of the belief system of clients, and the thoughts and feelings. She is the President of the Bahrain Meditation Center for Self-Development, and has been teaching meditation since 2009.
Contact: 0097339462756
Yousif Salman Mohammad AlBader
يوسف سلمان محمد البدر •مستشار ارشاد وتدريب – مستقل. •مستشار علاقات أسرية منذ 1997 •مدرب معتمد من عدة جهات دولية منذ 1998. المؤهلات الاكاديمية: •ماجستير في إدارة الأعمال من جامعة قلامورقن ببريطانيا. المؤهلات الاحترافية: •مرشد معتمد من الاتحاد الدولي للإرشاد (ICF) وجامعة ديربي ببريطانيا. •شهادة مدرب معتمد من منظمة المواصلات الجوية الدولية (IATA) بسويسرا 1998. •حصل على شهادة ممارس بعام 2000، وفي عام 2001 حصل على شهادة ممارس متقدم في علم البرمجة اللغوية العصبية Nuero-Linguistic Programming Practitioner من معهد NLP Comprehensive بولاية كولورادو بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
Contact: 39391177
Khadija A. Hamidaldin
Khadija Hamidaldin is a certified coach with an ACC – ICF credential. She currently serves at the ICF Bahrain Board as Director of PR & Marketing. She specializes in life-balance and transformational coaching. Khadija began her coaching journey in 2017 after going through a life transition from being a full time Product Manager to becoming a full time mother of 3. Having been born and raised in 3 different cultures (German, Middle East, and US) she is also fluent in German, Arabic, English, French and of course the Coaching language ! She graduated with Honors from George Mason University in 2005 in Marketing and obtained an M.A. from same school in International Business & Public Policy.
Contact: 38252057
Ali Taqi
Life coach focusing on millennials on purpose and transformation
Contact: 38888663
Najma Habib Ali
Experience in the field of education for 20 years and 10 years in management and leadership. Experience in teacher professional development program. I have professional certificates in training the trainers, and I recently got ACC accreditation 2020 in Coaching from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Education • Bachelor of Arabic Language 1988 • Higher Diploma in Education 1990 • Higher Diploma in Educational Leadership 2010
Contact: 33466555
Ameera Khalil Mayoof
Regional Human Resources manager with almost 20 years experience in HR management , find the coaching very important tool in my role and generally helpful on the personal level
Contact: 39414614
Fatima Khalaf Al-Alawi
فاطمة ، مدربة مهارات حياة وتحفيز وكوتش تربوي، بحرينية ، شخصية محفزة وملهمة ،حاصلة على بكالوريوس تربية 1996 وعلى شهادة كوتش محترف (PCC) من الاتحاد الدولي للكوتشنج ( ICF) سبتمبر 2021 . مهتمة بالتنمية البشرية ، ساعدت الكثير من الأفراد على الوعي بالذات وتحديد الأهداف والنجاح في الحياة الشخصية والعملية . يضاف لرصيدها انها تخطت 500 ساعة من جلسات التمكين الشخصي ، تدعمها٢٢ سنة خبرة بمجال التربية كمعلمة وقيادية ، تركيزها الرئيسي على إضافة القيمة وتحقيق النجاح في حياة الناس ليصنعوا لهم أثرا بشكل واع . شغوفة بعالم الطفولة والمساهمة في خلق جيل واع يمتلك مهارات الحياة بكفاءة. بدأت حياتها المهنية كمعلمة ومن ثم معلمة أولى لنظام معلم الفصل ، حتى عام 2017 ، ثم واصلت مسيرتها في العطاء كمدربة لمهارات الحياة ، و كوتش تربوي محترف . شعار فاطمة الشخصي هو " كن النسخة المحدثة من ذاتك واصنع أثرك بوعي" و قد قدمت العديد من الورش التدريبية لأولياء الأمور والمعلمين والأطفال وأمسيات للكوتشز بهدف نشر الوعي في المجتمع. وتعتبر فاطمة متخصصة في مجال الطفولة والتنمية البشرية . لها دور بارز في خدمة المجتمع والعمل التطوعي بالتعاون مع جهات مختلفة تطوعية . تعمل على نشر ثقافة الكوتشنج في المجتمع من خلال المحاضرات وورش العمل والرسائل التثقيفية خلال منصات التواصل الاجتماعي . فاطمة عضو في لجنة التطوير الاحترافي في جمعية البحرين للتدريب وتنمية الموارد البشرية ، وتحب القراءة والرسم والسفر.
Contact: 97339895523
Sonali Attri
My name is Sonali Attri and I am Director, Human Resources for Mastercard in Middle-East and Africa. I have over 25 years of experience in Human Resources, Development sector and Hospitality. I am passionate about people and helping them achieve their full potential. Through my coaching I am able to help executives, employees and women in my organization and beyond be limitless.
Contact: +971506757983
Lara Meyer
Lara Meyer is a professional Coach who has a degree in Psychology (BSc) and is trained in multiple coaching methodologies (Co-Active and Positive Intelligence) and is a certified member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Bringing with her a multitude of leadership skills from a corporate career spanning almost 20 years in Tech and Research with major players such as WPP, Microsoft, Hive. She now empowers leaders and aspiring leaders to be happier and more successful through insightful coaching & mental fitness training.
A core foundation of her coaching practice, Lara believes that bringing greater empathy towards ourselves and others is key. She supports clients to develop this mindset as part of developing as a confident leader for themselves and their teams.
With a vision to champion closing the gender gap, much of Lara’s work inevitably supports women leaders - but she equally embraces any organisations, groups or individuals where there is a good chemistry fit.
Instagram: @coach_laram and @womensleadershipcoaching
Contact: 32009519
Nabeela Al Qaseer
نبيلة القصير خبرة مهنية بالقطاع المصرفي لأكثر من 30 عام ، مدربة معتمدة من قبل معهد تدريب المدربين، حيث تسعى نبيلة القصير إلى الإستفادة من خبرتها العملية والتدريبية، لما يعزز من قدرات ومهارات الاشخاص الذاتية والحياتية. نبيلة القصير هي مستشارة ومدربة في الموار د البشرية / مدربة حياتية ، كوتش (مرخص ) من قبل ICF – International Coach Federation USA في المهارات الحياتية . أبتدأت مشوار المدربة الحياتة من سنة 2016 مع CTI Dubai وعملت في مجال المدربة الحياتية للأفراد .
Contact: 39459845